Admission Procedure

Eligibility of age for admission to nursery class is three years,together with the application ,a photocopy of birth certificate obtained from municipal corporation or hospital record is to submitted.all the above admission will be subjected to a test of capacity by means of oral or written tests.Admission and assignment to a particular section of the class are entirely reserved to the school authorities.Nochange in thedate of birth will be entertained .The date of birth once registered cannot be altered.

  1. Fees are be paid on or before the 15th of every month.otherwise Rs 50/- will be charged as delay fine for each month.
  2. No students will be allowed to sit for the 1st/2nd term and annual examination unless all the school fees have been cleared.
  3. Guardians will kindly preserve the receipts issued to them and produce them in proof of payment of fees, if needed.


  • For Boys
    1. Black pant
    2. Red shirt
    3. Black shoes
    4. White socks
    5. school monogram and belt.
  • For Gilrs
    1. Black skirt
    2. Red shirt
    3. Black shoes
    4. White socks
    5. Winter garment-Red sweater/blazer